Certified LCA Practitioners
Ahmad Rashedi
Certification number: 2021-92
Head of Carbon and Sustainability
Carbon Neutral
P: +61 (0)435 175 766
E: ahmad.rashedi@carbonneutral.com.au

Andrew D Moore
Certification number: 2017-01
Principal Sustainability Scientist
Life Cycle Logic
M: +61 (0) 424 320 057
E: andrew@lifecyclelogic.com.au

Caoilinn Murphy
Certification number: 2015-03
Senior Consultant, Sustainability Services
Point Advisory
M: +61 (0) 455 597 852
P: +61 (0) 3 9998 0457

Emily Townsend
Certification number: 2020-99
Head of Life Cycle Strategies
P: +64 (0) 7 808 0701
E: emily.townsend@thinkstep-anz.com

James Logie
Certification number: 2015-02
Net Zero Lead - Strategic Advisory
P:+61 (0) 2 8907 0920

Jeff Vickers
Certification number: 2016-120
Technical Director
thinkstep Pty Ltd
P: +61 (0) 2 8007 5770
E: jeff.vickers@thinkstep-anz.com

Jonas Bengtsson
Certification number: 2015-01
Global Director of Impact, Edge Impact
M: +61 (0) 404 758 586
E: jonas.bengtsson@edgeimpact.global
LinkedIn: Jonas Bengtsson

Leah Nguyen
Certification number: 2024-1220
Life Cycle Assessment Practitioner
Laing O'Rourke Australia
P: +61 460 361 463
E: Leah.Nguyen@laingorourke.com.au
LinkedIn: Leah Nguyen

Maria Arteaga
Certification number: 2023-6697
Environment and Sustainability Engineer
GrainCorp Ltd
M: +61 (0) 450 167 462
LinkedIn: Maria Angelica Arteaga Jaime

Olubukola O Tokede
Certification number: 2019-02
Lecturer in Construction Management
Deakin University
P: +61 (0) 3 5227 2061
E: olubukola.tokede@deakin.edu.au

Paul-Antoine Bontinck
Certification number: 2021-671
Senior LCA consultant
P: +61(0)3 9417 1190
E: paul-antoine@lifecycles.com.au

Thuy Nguyen
Certification number: 2024-1207
Life Cycle Assessment Specialist
P: +61(0)4 2020 2804

William Westaway
Certification number: 2021-363
P: +61(0)4 1978 6390
E: William.westaway@perspektiv.com.au
LinkedIn: William Westaway

Alexis Demetrious
Certification number: 2018-02
Department of Energy, Environment and
Climate Action

Barbara Nebel
Certification number: 2016-121
Managing Director
thinkstep Pty Ltd
P: +61 (0) 3 9015 9455
E: barbara.nebel@thinkstep-anz.com

Deepali Ghadge
Certification number: 2021-358
LCI Consultants
P: +61(02) 9157 0570
E: Deepali.Ghadge@lciconsultants.com.au
LinkedIn: Deepali Ghadge

Gaya Gamage
Certification number: 2020-98
Head of Quality Assurance
P: +64 (0) 9 889 0257
E: gaya.gamage@thinkstep-anz.com

Jee Wei Tay
Certification number: 2023-66102
Associate Sustainability Consultant
ADP Consulting Pty Ltd
LinkedIn: Jee Wei Tay

Joana Almeida
Certification number: 2016-06
Senior Policy Officer
NSW Department of Planning,
Industry and Environment.

Josh McGlone
Certification number: 2021-251
Toitu Envirocare
Team Lead - Account Management
(Manufacturing & Built Environment)
LinkedIn: Joshua McGlone

Katharina Bauch
Certification number: 2017-135
thinkstep Ltd
P: +61 (3) 9018 7070
E: Katharina.bauch@thinkstep-anz.com

Kyle O'Farrell
Certification number: 2016-05
Phone: (03) 9081 0440
E: kyle.ofarrell@blueenvironment.com.au

Maartje Sevenster
Certification number: 2018-01
CSIRO Agriculture and Food
M: +61 (0) 468 369 053

Patrick Jeannerat
Certification number: 2021-364
P: +61(0)4 1978 6390
E: Patrick.jeannerat@perspektiv.com.au
LinkedIn: Patrick Jeannerat

Rob Rouwette
Certification number: 2011-62
Start2See Pty Ltd
M: +61 (0) 403 834 470
E: rob.rouwette@start2see.com.au

Timothy Grant
Certification number: 2018-03
Director & Consultant
P: +61 (0) 3 9417 1190