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Holcim Showcases its Commitment to Sustainability with Platinum Sponsorship

ALCAS President

ALCAS is extremely pleased to welcome Holcim as the platinum sponsor for the 10th Biannual ALCAS Conference to be held 4-6 March 2019 in Cronulla.

Holcim has been delivering construction materials in Australia since 1901, originally serving the industry under the well-known Readymix and Humes brands.

Now part of the leading global building materials and solutions company LafargeHolcim, Holcim Australia continues to supply essential construction materials including aggregates, sand, readymix concrete, engineered precast concrete and prestressed concrete solutions to a range of customers and projects throughout Australia.

Holcim has a very strong commitment to sustainability and has been an active user of Life-cycle assessment (LCA) in measuring impacts and making environmentally conscious decisions.

Recently the firm has made a strong commitment to providing verified, comparable environmental data through the publication Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). They are the first concrete supplier in Australia to do so. In March 2017 Holcim published an EPD for their Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) (link: Most recently Holcim have embarked on the development of EPDs for its Readymix Concrete. They expect to publish a range of EPDs under the ViroDecs brand name in early 2019.

The development of a concrete EPD is a critical missing piece to having all key infrastructure and building products represented by an EPD on major projects. Its publication will support designers and developers to drive improved sustainable procurement and materials selection.

Through its commitment to LCA and EPDs, Holcim actively supports its customers to become leaders in sustainable infrastructure and building.

We congratulate Holcim on their commitment to our environment and to their customers and thank them for their valued support for LCA in general and the ALCAS Conference in particular.

For more information or to register for the ALCAS Conference click here.

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